Congrats on the shortlist 👏🏻

And fingers crossed buns are The Best, the only accentuating they need is maybe a slather of good salty butter.


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Thanks for the congrats, Maggie, and yup -- go hard or go home when it comes to the butter. : )

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I cannot believe I didn’t see ‘fingers crossed’ buns 😳 where did that came from??? FINGER BUNS thank you stupid spellcheck on my phone 🙄

That’s what I get for responding too late at night 🥱


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Me typing on my phone leads to about 10x the errors compared to typing on my laptop. Tiny screen + silly overzealous autocorrect = spelling strangenesses.

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Welcome back, Beck. Congratulations on the shortlist 🎉👏🏻.

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Thanks -- it was a real surprise, that one

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