Photos from the rad Banksy street art exhibition
Time for something different as a refreshing blast of ice-cold cool
You may or may not have noticed (no judgement if you didn’t!) that last week’s Becks and the City didn’t happen.
I’ve been snowed under with writing tasks, so I decided giving myself the week off wasn’t the biggest crime in the world. Healthy, even. So I did. One of the perks of being my own boss. :D
What writing stuff, you might ask? Well, I currently have two health articles on the go, an application for an editor job, and I’m putting together a pitch for a non-fiction book that’s been banging around in my mind for most of this year. Plus, a website update is long overdue and my novel manuscript doesn’t seem willing to edit itself. Rude.
Anyway, for this week’s offering, I thought I’d post some photos I took at the Adelaide exhibition of Banksy’s street art. It was even better than I was hoping for and if you’ve ever seen my Insta, you’ll know I’m quite the graffiti art fan.
I hope you enjoy.
Last week’s giveaway of Becky by Sarah May was won by Jessie Chibber and is already on its way to her.
Giveaways will be back next week. : )